

Articles, Curries

The Health Benefits of Turmeric: Unlocking the Golden Spice

Turmeric, known as the “golden spice,” has been celebrated for its health benefits for centuries. It’s a vibrant orange-yellow rhizome that’s native to South Asia and is a staple ingredient in traditional Indian and Asian cuisines. Beyond its culinary uses, turmeric has gained recognition for its remarkable medicinal properties.

Curries, Dinner, Lunch


This recipe is from my father’s older sister, every time she made it at family meals she was successful, even now I eat it and I’m not very into tails, livers, bones…. Normally this food would be eaten with potatoes, vegetables, but when I cook it around here, my husband and his family are more into eating rice and so that is the way they eat tail, I assure you that they love it.

Tikka masala
Curries, Dinner, Indian Cuisines, Lunch

Chicken tikka masala

This chicken can be eaten perfectly with rice or even with tortillas, or naan, it all depends on what you have at home or what you fancy. It seems like a difficult recipe, but it isn’t, it seems because there are many spices involved… but I assure you that it is simpler than it seems.

Berenjenas rellenas de pollo al curry
Curries, Dinner, Lunch

Eggplant stuffed with chicken curry

There are many ways to make stuffed eggplants, make them as if for lasagna, stuffed with tuna, or with chicken curry like these. The truth is that both eggplants and zucchini can be stuffed in many ways, and each one in their own way. I change the way I cook them a lot and that way I never get bored.

Pollo Thai con Anacardos
Curries, Dinner, Lunch

Thai Cashew Chicken

Thai chicken with cashew nuts is one of my favorites. Every time we go out to eat at restaurants I try to find places where they sell it. So I decided to do it. I have to say that it was not easy, I have tried thousands of recipes and finally after mixing a few recipes, I found the one that I personally love. I hope you all like it as much as I do.

Beef Curry
Curries, Dinner, Indian Cuisines, Lunch

Easy Beef Curry

Beef curry is among my oldest daughter’s favorite dishes. She loves to eat it with rice. Normally we do it with brown rice to make it healthier, although it is better to eat it with white rice and even better to eat it with a rice called Pilau (basmati rice with spices) I even put caramelized onions on top and some raisins when I am cooking and thus has a sweet touch.

Butter Chicken
Curries, Dinner, Indian Cuisines, Lunch

My Best Butter Chicken

Butter chicken is an original Indian dish made with tomato, spices and butter. The chicken used is normally the breast or the thighs but without the bone, it is usually eaten with rice or naan bread. Lately people are very interested in Indian food, and this is not exactly a very spicy food and can be enjoyed by many people who don’t eat spicy food.

Egg Curry
Breakfast, Curries, Lunch, Vegetarian, Veggies

Fabulous Egg Curry

Taste of eggs mixed with aromatic Indian spices, but keeping in mind the tolerance level of Western tastebuds – that’s my Egg Curry. My egg curry has been praised by all, Indians, Bangladeshis and Europeans alike. This curry can be eaten alone or can be eaten with pieces of Spanish/European hard bread as well as with traditional Paratha, Roti or Naan breads from the subcontinent.