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Arroz integral frito
Dinner, Lunch

Fried brown rice

At home we really like rice in all its forms. This time I have prepared it fried, which was super good and it is very easy to prepare. In this case I have used basmati integral rice so that it has more fiber and is healthier. You can prepare the rice for this recipe or you can use the leftovers from the day before. What gives it such a good point are the soy sauce and others and of course, the egg and the vegetables that it contains.

Tikka masala
Curries, Dinner, Indian Cuisines, Lunch

Chicken tikka masala

This chicken can be eaten perfectly with rice or even with tortillas, or naan, it all depends on what you have at home or what you fancy. It seems like a difficult recipe, but it isn’t, it seems because there are many spices involved… but I assure you that it is simpler than it seems.

Ensalada de pimientos rojos
Dinner, Lunch, Salads

Red pepper roasted salad

I always remember that when I was little and I had this salad at home I loved it, but I never ate the peppers, although I liked the flavor they gave the salad. Now I cannot conceive of this salad without them and of course I eat them. And you know what I enjoyed the most??? Dip a bit of bread in the broth at the end once the salad is finished, with that dressing and that little bit of egg, leftover tuna…hmm I loved it and I still love it.

Flan de leche condensada

Condensed milk egg pudding

Lately every time there is a party or a gathering at home they always ask me to make this delicious egg caramel pudding over all, my neighbors they love it, and I have to say that each of my neighbors are from different parts of the world, that means that this dessert  is delicious in all parts of the world. My mother’s recipe is very similar, I just changed the measurements a bit.

Pumpkin Spice Latte Cupcakes

Pumpkin spice latte cupcakes

Autumn has arrived with it pumpkins, so instead of using them only on Halloween let’s make some sweet and savory dishes with them. Here I leave you a very rich recipe to enjoy with friends or family. If you want to give it a touch more… of flavor, take them accompanied by a Pumpkin Spice Latte.

Calabaza De Bellota Asada

Baked Acorn Squash

Do you have an acorn squash in your house or you saw it in the market but you don’t know what to do? I will let you know how you can use it and eat it. I never thought that I would use so many pumpkins or squashes for cooking this year.

Tortilla de verduras / Vegetable omelette
Breakfast, Dinner, Lunch

Vegetable Omelette

My husband had the opportunity to work in Bogota, Colombia for 6 months. In this time, he fell in love with Latin American cuisines. One of his favorites is the vegetable omelette.

Brownie de nutella

Nutella Brownie

At home, as in many others, we are big fans of Nutella and brownies, because the truth is that we all like chocolate, well my husband, not much, but I have to confess that this brownie drives him crazy. And since we are in Halloween week and around here everything is costumes, crafts… well, we have had to transform some pieces of brownie with Halloween decorations. I hope and wish that everyone enjoys this nutella brownie.

Galletas arañas / Spider cookies
Breakfast, Desserts, Snacks

Halloween Spider Cookies

To make these cookies you have to follow the same steps as to make the butter cookies that my little daughter loves so much. The only thing that changes is the shape, which we will not make with any cookie cutter.

Berenjenas rellenas de pollo al curry
Curries, Dinner, Lunch

Eggplant stuffed with chicken curry

There are many ways to make stuffed eggplants, make them as if for lasagna, stuffed with tuna, or with chicken curry like these. The truth is that both eggplants and zucchini can be stuffed in many ways, and each one in their own way. I change the way I cook them a lot and that way I never get bored.